I was trying to find ways to correct large vertical spaces between paragraphs. After serching a bit on internet, I got the following command along with other options. So I wanted to share it here and for my own future reference.
Remove the spacing between paragraphs and have a small paragraph indentation
Make your text block as big as possible. The simplest way to do that is using the geometry package:
Remove the spacing between paragraphs and have a small paragraph indentation
\setlength{\parskip}{0cm} \setlength{\parindent}{1em}
Make your text block as big as possible. The simplest way to do that is using the geometry package:
Use a compact font such as Times Roman:
Remove space around section headings.
Beware of enumerated and itemized lists. Instead, replace them with compact lists.
\usepackage[compact]{titlesec} \titlespacing{\section}{0pt}{2ex}{1ex} \titlespacing{\subsection}{0pt}{1ex}{0ex} \titlespacing{\subsubsection}{0pt}{0.5ex}{0ex}
If you are allowed, switching to double column can save heaps of space.
\begin{compactitem} \item ... \end{compactitem} \begin{compactenum} \item ... \end{compactenum}
If the rules say 12pt, you can usually get away with 11.5pt without anyone noticing:
\begin{multicols}{2} ... \end{multicols}
When you get desperate, you can squeeze the inter-line spacing using
There is also a
package which does a lot of squeezing, but the results don’t always
look nice, so it is better to try one or more of the above tricks
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