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Monday, May 14, 2012

Machine Learning Resources for Beginners and Beginners++

I have been learning ML for sometime now and I have spent some time on finding what are some of the good resources for ML. 

For Beginners I would say if you look beyond beginners section  you might be overwhelmed by the amount of content. Just relax and eat it bit by bit. This is not a race.

My most visited page was random copied resource list on Machine Learning. As now I have some idea about what all the links are about I will try to reorganize the page with time(Possibly subcategorize). 
Machine Learning Lectures:
  1.  Machine Learning Course by Andrew Ng at Coursera
    Thinking about what should be the first course in ML. The only course that comes to my mind is Machine Learning Course by Andrew Ng at Coursera. Practically no prerequisites(maybe Calculus). I highly recommend doing the programming exercises. Keeps your interests going. Not too mathematical. There is also a very short tutorial on Octave/Matlab(Just enough for doing Homeworks).
  2.  Linear Algebra Course by Gilbert Strang
    (I believe the best on internet)
    We also need to understand about spaces. This is a good place to get the intuition about vector spaces. Video Lectures accompanies a text book. I would also like to suggest lecture notes by vandenberge (pdf) which are great for implementing various matrix factorizations as recursive solution.
  3. Learning from Data by Abu Mostafa at Caltech
    Course is more detailed than ML by Andrew Ng at Coursera. Very clear explanation of the content. Video Lectures accompanies a textbook.
  4.  Linear and Integer Programming by Sriram Sankaranarayanan at Coursera/UoColorado
    To start getting a flavour of optimization this is an excellent place to start. This also shows the advantage of abstraction in solving problem. 
  1.  Machine Learning by Andrew Ng at Stanford SEE
    This is a longer version of classroom course taught by Andrew Ng at Stanford. This course covers a lot of topics not covered in above courses. This courses accompanies an excellent set of lecture notes(Highly recommended).
    see lecture notes because sometimes lectures are not clearly explained but still is good for introductory ML.
  2.  Probabilistic Graphical Models by Daphne Koller at Coursera
    This course is like marriage of Probability and Graph Theory which is a significant chunk in Machine Learning. It involves efficient inference methods and how graphs help us. The programming assignments are not very easy like previous courses. This is widely used in NLP and Computer Vision.
  3. Machine learning  Lectures by Mathematical Monk
    If wondering who is he, then visit http://www.dam.brown.edu/people/jmiller/teaching.html
    This is a course covering a lot of methods similar to Machine Learning Course by Andrew Ng. But the methods covered are wider(Also more probabilistic) than Andrew Ng's ML course.
  4. Introduction to ML This and This by Alex Smola 10-701 at CMU
    This is a foundation course for PhD students.

  5. Scalable Machine Learning by Alex Smola
    This course deals with Scalablity issues and jargons in Machine Learning. It is also good for Statistics, Graphical Models, Recommender Systems, Kernels. This course should be complemented with a practical Project considering Scalability issues.
  6. Introduction to Recommender Systems
    Not too difficult course but the whole course is on recommender Systems.
  7. Machine Learning By Pedro Domingos at Coursera/UoW
    This course also covers lot of topics well explained. This could be done independently(Worth considering atleast for the topics not covered in previous course)
  8. Mining Massive Data Sets by Jure Leskovec at Coursera/Stanford
    Deals with scalability issues of ML/Datamining.
  9.  Neural Networks for Machine Learning by Geoffrey Hinton
    Great introductory course to Neural Network. This course has included all the recent advanced in NNs. At the end of the course it might get difficult to understand. You might need to complement the end of the course with some ML text on inference(including approximate inference).
  10. Deep Learning by Yann Lecunn
    Deep Learning course dealing with practicality. Doing work on GPU etc.
  11.  Neural Networks by Hugo Larochelle
    This is a fast paced course in Neural Networks. Great if you have some background of bits and pieces of NN/Inference/Graphical Models.
  12.  Deep Learning by Nando D. F. Oxford 
  13.  Wow course on reinforcement learning by david silverhttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5X3mDkKaJrL42i_jhE4N-p6E2Ol62Ofa
  14.  Wow course on approximate dynamic programming AKA Reinforcement Learning by Dimitri P. Bertsekas https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiCLbsFQNFAxOmVeqPhI5er1LGf2-L9I4
    http://web.mit.edu/dimitrib/www/Abstract_DP_Online_Complete.pdf (Beauty)
    http://arxiv.org/abs/1405.6757 Proximal RL
  15. Advanced Inference  / Submodular functions course by Jeff Bilmes
  1. Big Data, Large Scale Machine Learning by Langford, Lecunn
    Again a practical course for dealing with scalability,
    online learning etc.
  2. Convex Optimization I  by Stephen Boyd at Stanford SEE

     CVX101 Convex Optimization by Stephen Boyd

    A great course on Convex Optimization. I would not say this is an easy course. But totally worth the effort put in. This also complements a text book freely available.
  3. Convex Optimization II  by Stephen Boyd
    Optimization course covering some other useful topics not covered in previous course.
  4. CS281: Advanced Machine Learning by Ryan Adams at Harvard
    This is a real advanced course on Machine Learning. Covering practically everything a general ML course can have(except really specialized topics).
  5. Advanced Optimization and Randomized Methods by AlexSmola/SuvritSra at CMU
    Advanced optimization covering many new topics missing in basic optimization course. Many of these topics are useful in large scale optimization.
  6. Introduction to robotics
  7. Introduction to linear dynamical systems by Stephen Boyd

  8. Probabilistic graphical models - advanced methods (Spring 2012) by murphy at stanford

  9.  For inference and information theory(Mackay) [Lecture9-Lecture 14 Recommended]:
    This is a course on information theory and inference. After first half the course practically changes to an ML course mostly inference and Neural Networks.
  10. Machine Learning by nando freitas at UBC
  11. Game Theory Part I and Part II at coursera
    Help to build decision theory intuitions and concepts. Also one of the branches of AI.
  12. Harvard Data Science
  13. Probabilistic Graphical Models 10-708, Spring 2014  Eric Xing (link)
  14. Multiple View Geomtry by Prof. Prof. D. Cremers
  15.  Variational  Methods for Computer Vision by Prof.  D. Cremers
  16. Visual Navigation for Flying Robots TUM
  17. Machine Learning for Computer Vision TUM
  18. Optimization by Geoff Gordan 
  19. Machine Learning by Aarti Singh and Geoff Gordon
  20. A collection of links for streaming algorithms and data structures  
  21. 6.895 Sketching, Streaming and Sub-linear Space Algorithms
  22. Statistical Learning Theory Poggio (todo)
  23. Statistical Machine Learning Larry Wasserman (todo)
  24.  Regularization Methods for Machine Learning 2016
ML Books, Notes, Links:
Shelf Books(pic from Stephen Gould):

ML Book list: (link to Michel Jordan recommendation)

Standard ML Text
Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning Christopher M. Bishop
The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction Trevor Hastie
Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective Kevin P. Murphy
Probabilistic Graphical Models: Principles and Techniques Daphne Koller
A Probabilistic Theory of Pattern Recognition Stochastic Modelling and Applied Probability Gabor Lugosi

Probability Theory
Probability and Random Processes Geoffrey R. Grimmett
Probability Theory: The Logic of Science E.T. Jaynes
Probability: Theory and Examples Richard Durrett
A User's Guide to Measure Theoretic Probability David  Pollard

All of Statistics: A Concise Course in Statistical Inference Larry Wasserman
All of Nonparametric Statistics Larry Wasserman
Statistical Inference Roger L. Berger

Bayesian Theory and Practice
Bayesian Core: A Practical Approach to Computational Bayesian Statistics Jean-Michel Marin
The Bayesian Choice Christian P. Robert
Bayesian Data Analysis Andrew Gelman

Large Sample Theory and Asymptotic Statistics
A Course in Large Sample Theory Thomas S. Ferguson
Elements of Large-Sample Theory E.L. Lehmann
Asymptotic Statistics A.W. van der Vaart

Monte Carlo Statistical Methods Christian P. Robert
Introduction to Nonparametric Estimation Alexandre B. Tsybakov
Large-Scale Inference Bradley Efron

Linear Algebra and Its Applications Gilbert Strang
Matrix Computations Gene H. Golub
Introduction to Linear Optimization Dimitris Bertsimas
Numerical Optimization Jorge Nocedal
Introductory Lectures on Convex Optimization: A Basic Course Y. Nesterov
Convex Optimization Stephen Boyd
Nonlinear Programming Dimitri P. Bertsekas

Information Theory
Elements of Information Theory Thomas M. Cover
Information Theory, Inference and Learning Algorithms David J.C. MacKay

Introductory Functional Analysis with Applications Erwin Kreyszig

Dont Look DOWN!!!  Will edit and organize stuff after this soon

Road map to EP (Minka)

EE464: Semidefinite Optimization and Algebraic Techniques
Convex Analysis lecture notes by Nemirovski
http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/6-253-convex-analysis-and-optimization-spring-2012/lecture-notes/MIT6_253S12_lec_comp.pdf  (DIMITRI P. BERTSEKAS)

Probabilistic Models for Cognition by Noah Good Man and Joshua Tenenbaum

Compressed sensing



More ML books: 

A lot of lectures related to AI by Coursera

A cool intro to machine learning with python examples
Programming Collective Intelligence: Building Smart Web 2.0 Applications by Toby Segaran

If you want to read a book on ML then read 
  • The Elements of Statistical Learning(good book freely downloadable)

  • Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning by Christopher Bishop
  • Machine Learning by Tom Mitchell 
  • Machine Learning A Probabilistic Perspective by Kevin Murphy(I choose this)
some more resources on ML class resources link by Andrew Ng:
For optimization read 
  • Convex Optimization by Stephen Boyd(good book freely downloadable)
  • numerical optimization nocedal wright
  • Non-Linear Programming by Dimitri P Bertsekas

For Scalability of Machine Learning read

  • Scaling Up Machine Learning: Parallel and Distributed Approaches 

by Ron Bekkerman, Mikhail Bilenko, John Langford

For Graphical Models

  • Probabilistic Graphical Models: Principles and Techniques by Daphne Koller 

More books:



A very strong ML community:  



 Andrew Moores slides http://www.autonlab.org/tutorials/

http://videolectures.net/mlss04_bishop_gmvm/     (graphical models and variational methods bishop)

http://videolectures.net/mlss06tw_wainwright_gmvmm/   (GMvariational methodsmessage passing)

http://www.cs.jhu.edu/~jason/tutorials/variational.html (High level explaination)

MATLAB tutorial: basic and advanced:




Dont look down.. :P ML and stuff

ML and random stuff... :D

Random bayesian books 

Doing Bayesian Data Analysis (Kruschke)
Bayesian Data Analysis (Gelman et al.)
Applied Bayesian Hierarchical Methods (Congdon)
Statistical Rethinking: A Bayesian Course (McElreath)

Bayesian Analysis Made Simple (Woodward)
The BUGS Book (Lunn et al.)
Bayesian Methods (Gill)
Bayesian Ideas and Data Analysis (Christensen et al.)
Bayesian Statistics and Marketing (Rossi et al.)
Introduction to Bayesian Econometrics (Greenberg)
Bayesian Forecasting and Dynamic Models (West and Harrison)
Bayesian Psychometric Modeling (Levy and Mislevy)
Bayesian Models (Hilbe et al.)
Large-Scale Inference: Empirical Bayes Methods (Efron)
Handbook of Markov Chain Monte Carlo (Brooks et al.)
Fundamentals of Nonparametric Bayesian Inference (Ghosal and van der Vaart)


Compressed Sensing



Tom Minka's page 




http://mlg.eng.cam.ac.uk/teaching/4f13/1213/  (Machine Learning 2013 cambridge / Murphy/PRML textbook)

Gatsby Machine Learning Qualifying Exam Topic List 


http://mlg.eng.cam.ac.uk/zoubin/p8-07/index.html (Image search and modelling)

Advanced Topics in Machine Learning ( subspace learning, manifold learning, subspace clustering, manifold clustering)


Short Python writeup.


Hadoop in python  







Large scale ML and data mining: 





 NETLOGO tutorial 



  1. Best Organized resource !!! Thanks

  2. can't ask anything more ............

  3. Well organized resource!! it really save to so much time to find relevant stuff from web .... Nice one!! Thanks!!

  4. I second all the above! Really good. Thanks!

  5. Excellent List. Thank you

  6. Thanks for the awesome resource list on machine learning. Got every stuff at one place..

  7. I think you should add the book "Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning"

  8. Very good list ! Thanks from China, 谢谢!

  9. Thanks. I don't know how long I can finish all of this....

  10. Great work. Very good list for machine learning. Thanks.

  11. how much time you think should it take for a student in 3rd year to complete all of this machine learning or at least get an intermediate level enough to have a overview of every technique.

    1. I consider myself an intermediate (or slightly above that) and 3 years is a good estimate if you are not into machine learning full time but lot of schools have advanced courses which can give you a head start.

      I would also say that you should slow down you learning as retention is also an aspect of learning. Revisit if required. This is not a race and if you are passionate enough you will learn a lot in sometime.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. Nice informative blog.. Keep updating these types of informative updates regularly...Also Visit this site for Machine Learning with Python Training

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Self Paced Learning moves at a pace set by the learner and is cost effective. It boosts the retention of information simultaneously to a large number of people. Self paced training is for the people who want to go fast track and want to finish the course in a minimal time. These Machine Learning Training videos are carefully developed in such a way that even a fresher can easily understand and learn the product at his/her own pace.

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  21. Awesome post. Thanks for sharing this post with us.The heart of a man-made Intelligence based mostly system is it's model. A model is nothing however a program that improves its data through a learning method by creating observations concerning its atmosphere.Machine learning course this sort of learning-based model is sorted underneath supervised Learning.
    Awesome post. Thanks for sharing this post with us.The heart of a man-made Intelligence based mostly system is it's model. A model is nothing however a program that improves its data through a learning method by creating observations concerning its atmosphere.Machine learning course this sort of learning-based model is sorted underneath supervised Learning.

  22. very nice information you have given for machine learning beginners, thank you fr sharng such an post.


  23. nice info, thank you.


  24. great post, thank you.

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  25. awesome blog, thank you for posting info..


  26. Great work. Very good list for machine learning. Thanks.
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  48. QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number
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  51. If you’re looking for small-business accounting solutions, initial thing experts and happy costumers will recommend you is QuickBooks by Intuit Inc. Intuit’s products for construction contractors through the QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number, Simple Start Plus Pack, Quickbooks Premier Contractor, and Quickbooks Enterprise .

  52. On September 22, 2014, Intuit publicized the production of QuickBooks 2015 with types that users have been completely demanding through the past versions. Amended income tracker, pinned notes, better registration process and understandings on homepage are the large choice of general alterations for several versions of QuickBooks 2015. It can benefit for QuickBooks Enterprise Support Number to acquire technical help & support for QuickBooks.

  53. Well! If you’re not able to customize employee payroll in QuickBooks Payroll Tech Support Number which makes the list optimally, in QB and QB desktop, then browse the description ahead.

  54. QuickBooks, a software solution that will be designed in such a manner that one may manage payroll, inventory, sales and every other need of your small business. Each QuickBooks software option would be developed based on different industries and their needs so that you can seamlessly manage all your valuable business finance at any time as well as in one go. You should not worry if you're stuck with QuickBooks issue in midnight as our technical specialists at QuickBooks Support Phone Number can be acquired twenty-four hours a day to serve you with the best optimal solution right away.

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  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. Perhaps you have trapped into a problem with Intuit product and payroll services? You are prepared to understand the best approach to get hold of the client support team. We welcome you 24*7 to gain access to the different QuickBooks Payroll Technical Support Number of Intuit products asking for help.

  69. Unfortunately, there is fewer options designed for the buyer to talk directly to agents or QuickBooks Payroll Support Number for help. Posting questions on payroll community page is a superb idea not the easiest way to have a sudden solution; in the event that you wanna to keep in touch with a person.

  70. By using QuickBooks Payroll Technical Support Phone Number, you're able to create employee payment on time. However in any case, you might be facing some problem when making use of QuickBooks payroll such as for instance issue during installation, data integration error, direct deposit issue, file taxes, and paychecks errors, installation or up-gradation or simply just about some other than you don’t panic, we provide quality QuickBooks Payroll help service. Here are some features handle by our QB online payroll service.

  71. QuickBooks Desktop version is frequently additionally split into QuickBooks professional, QuickBooks Premier and QuickBooks Enterprise. you’ll get the version and this can be additional apt for your needs. you must additionally get guidance and support services for the code that square measure obtainable 24/7. If just in case you come across any QuickBooks errors or problems or would like any facilitate, you’ll dial QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number the direct line variety to achieve the QuickBooks specialists.

  72. Our QuickBooks Customer Support Number team is engaged in pre-research to create themselves prepared in advance for the possible errors of QuickBooks. This practice helps them produce you the specified wind up in the given time window.

  73. We also handle almost any QuickBooks Customer Tech Support Number & functional issue faced during installation of drivers for QuickBooks Premier Version. We also troubleshoot almost any error that will be encountered in this version or this version in a multi-user mode.

  74. We provide you with the best and amazing services about QuickBooks Tech Support Number and also provides you various types of information and guidance about your errors or issues in just operating the best QuickBooks accounting software.

  75. It should be flawless. Will you be confident about this? If not, this might be basically the right time so you can get the QuickBooks Tech Support Number. We have trained staff to soft your issue.

  76. The main intent behind QuickBooks Tech Support Phone Number is to supply the technical help 24*7 so as with order to prevent wasting your productivity hours. This will be completely a toll-free QuickBooks client Service variety that you won’t pay any call charges.

  77. Just dial QuickBooks Tech Support Phone Number and tell us the QuickBooks product name that you need QuickBooks help by our experts. Our QuickBooks customer support team will guide you for every product of QuickBooks whether QuickBooks Enterprise Support, Accountant, Pro, and Premier.

  78. Here we intend to update you the way it is possible to obtain QuickBooks enterprise support telephone number or simple suggestions for connecting QuickBooks Enterprise Support . QuickBooks is financial software that will help small company, large business along with home users.

  79. QuickBooks Premier Support Phone Number is QuickBooks's best toll-free number, you can find 3 total ways to get in contact with them. The following simplest way to speak with their customer care team, relating to other QuickBooks customers, is through telling GetHuman about your issue above and letting us find somebody to help you.

  80. We supply you with the best and amazing services about QuickBooks and also provides you all types of information and guidance regarding your errors or issues in only operating the best QuickBooks accounting software. Such as simply fixing your damaged QuickBooks Support Phone Number file if you use QuickBooks file doctor tool. And simply fix QuickBooks installation errors or difficulties with making use of wonderful QuickBooks install diagnostic tool.

  81. QuickBooks Enterprise is sold as an all in one accounting package geared towards mid-size businesses who do not require to manage the accounting hassle on their own. The different industry specific versions add cherry regarding the cake. For such adaptive accounting software, it really is totally acceptable to throw some issues at some instances. During those times, you do not worry after all and simply reach our QuickBooks Enterprise Help Phone Number USA channel readily available for a passing fancy call at

  82. Best QuickBooks Support Phone Number Assist To Simplify Accounting DialQuickBooks provides QuickBooks customer support just as as intuit. We assist you to manage, run and keep maintaining your accounting application. In present time QuickBooks made largest amount of achievements with plenty of contribution for financial access.

  83. QuickBooks Enterprise offers useful features which makes it more reliable along with efficient. You can easily run your online business smoothly with great ease and flexibility making use of this specialized accounting software. This is the way you can save your precious time & money using intuit enterprise support. If you should be a QuickBooks user and facing any issue regarding this software then call on the QuickBooks Enterprise Technical Support Number.

  84. Evolution could be the mantra of bringing your online business into the pinnacle of success. Over time it is always essential to bring new and positive alterations in one’s business in an effort not to let your company methodology get rusted. QuickBooks 2019 has introduced newer and more effective and amazingly functional features in every its versions and along with this our QuickBooks Support has furnished aid to all the the QuickBooks 2019 users.

  85. From similar creators of Quickbooks POS, there comes another item that is still supposed to enable organizations to your workplace even more easily and proficiently. This is basically the QuickBooks POS Support Phone Number framework, a point-of-sale arrangement that helps the corporation regarding deals recording, stock, and even finance. Utilizing a system this is certainly snared towards the fundamental office, information that is crucial to bookkeeping will likely to be effectively delivered to the vital individuals. This makes checking pay rates, recording deals and refreshing stock so a lot less demanding.

  86. There are multiple reasons behind a QuickBooks made transaction resulting in failure or taking time to reflect upon your account. QuickBooks Support phone number is available 24/7 to provide much-needed integration related support. Get assistance at such crucial situations by dialing the QuickBooks Support Phone Number and let the tech support executives handle the transaction problem at ease.

  87. QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number is sold as an all within one accounting package geared towards mid-size businesses that do not require to manage the accounting hassle by themselves. The many industry specific versions add cherry regarding the cake. For such adaptive accounting software, it really is totally acceptable to throw some issues at some instances.

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  90. he Premier support is provided by technicians who will be trained every so often to meet with almost any queries related to integrating Intuit QuickBooks Support Premier with Microsoft Office related software.

  91. In any case, in case you are not prepared to get in touch with us from the QuickBooks Technical Support Number then you can dial our other number which is QuickBooks Support Number. The QuickBooks ProAdvisors are working 24 hours reliably to pass on the top notch QuickBooks Error Support.


  92. QuickBooks is accounting software, which is a cloud-based application manufactured by Inuit Inc. As a matter of fact, the software has been developed using the intention of keeping a secure record of financial needs regarding the business. Additionally, QuickBooks Technical Support Number really is a user-friendly ; easy to maintain; assisting the business enterprise in order to keep the records of financial transactions, and so many more features.

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    QuickBooks has completely transformed the way people used to operate their business earlier. To get familiar with it, you should welcome this positive change.Supervisors at QuickBooks Desktop Support Number have trained all of their executives to combat the issues in this software. Utilizing the introduction of modern tools and approaches to QuickBooks, you can test new techniques to carry out various business activities. Basically, this has automated several tasks that have been being done manually for a long time. There are lots of versions of QuickBooks and each one has a unique features.

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  112. QuickBooks error 9999 appears during program installation. Also, an error occurs while QuickBooks is running, during windows start up or shut down or even during the installation of the Windows operating system. If you would like to take a shot to Resolve QuickBooks Error 9999 yourself, you can continue reading this blog.

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  155. Nice Blog
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  163. QuickBooks Error 6189 77 occurs when a user tries to open or create a company file. The error-code interrupts you from accessing the financial records.

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